2008년 6월 7일 토요일

Open Source

Open Source

A virus (from the Latin virus meaning "toxin" or "poison"), is a sub-microscopic infectious agent that is unable to grow or reproduce outside a host cell. Each viral particle, or virion, consists of genetic material, DNA or RNA. within a protective protein coat called a capsid. The capsid shape varies from simple helical and icosahedral (polyhedral or near-spherical) forms, to more complex structures with tails or an envelope. Viruses infect cellular life forms and are grouped into animal, plant and bacterial types, according to the type of host infected.
Biologists debate whether or not viruses are living organisms. Some consider them non-living as they do not meet all the criteria used in the common definitions of life. For example, unlike most organisms, viruses do not have cells. However, viruses have genes and evolve by natural selection. Others have described them as organisms at the edge of life. Viral infections in human and animal hosts usually result in an immune response and disease. Often, a virus is completely eliminated by the immune system. Antibiotics have no effect on viruses, but antiviral drugs have been developed to treat life-threatening infections. Vaccines that produce lifelong immunity can prevent viral infections. In the context of computing and software, a Trojan horse, or simply trojan, is a piece of software which appears to perform a certain action but in fact performs another such as transmitting a computer virus. Contrary to popular belief, this action, usually encoded in a hidden payload, may or may not be actually malicious, but Trojan horses are notorious today for their use in the installation of backdoor programs. Simply put, a Trojan horse is not a computer virus. Unlike such malware, it does not propagate by self-replication but relies heavily on the exploitation of an end-user (see Social engineering). It is instead a categorical attribute which can encompass many different forms of codes. Therefore, a computer worm or virus may be a Trojan horse. The term is derived from the classical story of the Trojan Horse.
In the field of computer architecture, 'Trojan Horse' can also refer to security loopholes that allow kernel code to access anything for which it is not authorized.
A worm is an elongated, soft-bodied, land-dwelling invertebrate. Worm is a common name for various species that belong to different clades of animals--that is they are unrelated to each other. Animals which are commonly called worms include species of annelids, insects (their immature larva stage), and flatworms. Many marine and freshwater species, which are usually seen only by professional biologists, are recognized as "worms". Worms commonly are seen on the sidewalk after a rainstorm, and often die of drying out or being trampled on by humans.
A backdoor in a computer system (or cryptosystem or algorithm) is a method of bypassing normal authentication, securing remote access to a computer, obtaining access to plaintext, and so on, while attempting to remain undetected. The backdoor may take the form of an installed program (e.g., Back Orifice), or could be a modification to an existing program or hardware device.
Open source is a development methodology, which offers practical accessibility to a product's source (goods and knowledge). Some consider open source as one of various possible design approaches, while others consider it a critical strategic element of their operations. Before open source became widely adopted, developers and producers used a variety of phrases to describe the concept; the term open source gained popularity with the rise of the Internet, which provided access to diverse production models, communication paths, and interactive communities.
The open source model of operation and decision making allows concurrent input of different agendas, approaches and priorities, and differs from the more closed, centralized models of development. The principles and practices are commonly applied to the development of source code for software that is made available for public collaboration, and it is usually released as open-source software.

2008년 5월 24일 토요일

Public & Privacy

Public & Privacy

Surveillance is the monitoring of behavior. Although surveillance can be a useful tool for law enforcement and security companies, many people have concerns about the loss of privacy. They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Today some artists and art groups concerned with surveillance.
Dataveillance is the systematic use of personal data systems in the investigation or monitoring of the actions or communications of one or more persons.
Privacy in definition is the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or information about themselves and thereby reveal themselves selectively.
Lawrence Lessig talks on the merits of inefficiency an inefficiency that makes it harder for these technologies to be misused. It is hard to argue that less is more.We build into such constitutions structures of restraint, that will check, and limit the efficiency of government, to protect against the tyranny of government.

Oscar H. Gandy, Jr. talks on the merits of inefficiency data mining systems which are designed to facilitate the identification and classification of individuals into distinct groups or segments.
Life where less is monitored is a life more private; and life where less can be searched is also a life more private. said Lessig on architecture of privacy.

Cookies are information that a web server stores on the machine running a web browser. encryption is the process of transforming information (referred to as plaintext) using an algorithm to make it unreadable to anyone except those possessing special knowledge, usually referred to as a key.

Technologies and architectures are important influences on the production and change of private and public space. but, they do not independently determine what is public and what is private.

2008년 5월 17일 토요일



Donna Haraway's cyborg is an attempt to break away from Oedipal narratives and Christian origins doctrines like Genesis. In the Cyborg Manifesto, she writes: "The cyborg does not dream of community on the model of the organic family, this time without the oedipal project. The cyborg would not recognize the Garden of Eden; it is not made of mud and cannot dream of returning to dust."
The concept of the cyborg is a rejection of rigid boundaries, notably those separating "human" from "animal" and "human" from "machine." Cyborg theory thus asserts that technology, as the artifacts of cultural evolution, merely comprise material extensions of the material human body.This view follows from John Locke's logical justification for property rights, in that "mixing one's labor" with external natural materials internalizes them and affords those materials the same rights as one's body itself.
A cyborg is a cybernetic organism. The cyborg is often seen today merely as an organism that has enhanced abilities due to technologybut this perhaps oversimplifies the category of feedback.
Today, the C-LEG system is used to replace human legs that were amputated because of injury or illness. The use of sensors in the artificial leg aids in walking significantly. These may possibly be the first real steps towards the next generation of cyborgs.

2008년 5월 12일 월요일

Computer Game

Computer Game

This week's lecture is game. Game is my lovely field. There are graphic, physics, ai, and a lot more things in game engine. Then, what make a good game? This lecture says paly, story, realism. I agree this, but I think that good game is simple. If a game is difficult, number of people who play the game dwindle away into nothing. In these day, playing game together is a trend.

The more develop game, the more addicted people. This is social problem. One concentrate only computer game. So they are crazy in after that.Identification is known to psycho-analysis as the earliest expression of an emotional tie with another person.

There are boy's space and girl's space in game. Boy's space is place that enjoy lurid images, prove themselves with stunts, gain mastery, vent aggressive feelings, competitively role-play. Girl's space is space of secrets and romance, a space of one's own in a world which offers you far too little room to explore.

The professional says that there are a lot of people who make scenario, but a small number of engineer in school. I agree with that, and wish that my skill is developed.

2008년 5월 3일 토요일

Computer - aid

We learned about computer aid. Cscw is an abbreviation for computer-supported cooperative work, a field of research and design and cscw is considered to a part of a larger field known as CHI or HCI.

Computer-Aided Design (CAD) is the use of computer technology to aid in the design of a product, particularly the drafting of a part or the product—a part visual and part symbol method of communications particular to a specific technical field. It is in origination, the use of computers to aid the art of drafting—the integral communications of technical drawings.

Architecture is the art and science of designing and constructing buildings and other physical structures. A wider definition often includes the design of the total built environment, from the macro level of how a building integrates with its surrounding manmade landscape to the micro level of architectural or construction details and, sometimes, furniture.

We learend about the architecture of cyberspace. Second life is a game that live the virtual reality. In this world, we can do that communicate other people without real meeting.

2008년 4월 26일 토요일



I learned about human-computer interaction(HCI) this week.
This is key point that has implications for the aesthetic, ethics and evaluation of human- computer interaction, and people often interact with media technologies as though the technologies were people. HCI has questions related ethics, aesthetics & teleology, design. HCI has improved as tool. For example, there are memex, sketchpad, NLS, xerox alto, apple lisa, macintosh powerbook, www.
If we view objects, technologies and natural phenomenon as if they do, in fact, have goals and intentions, then we will design like an artificial intelligence resercher. On the other hand, if we view objects, technologies and natural phenomenon as if the just look like they have goals and intentions, then we will design like a tool builder for human users or operator of our tools.

2008년 4월 12일 토요일

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Alan Turing is founder of computer science, artificial intelligence, mathematician, philosopher, codebreaker. He suggested 'imitation game'. It is played with three people, a man, a woman, and an interrogator who may be of either sex. The interrogator determine which of the other two is the man and which is the woman. The man's object is that the interrogator make wrong answer, and the woman help the interrogator. If a michine takes the part of the man, what will happen? This question replaces that can machines think?

So, There is artificial intelligence that is the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence as if done by human. Artificial intelligence's areas are knowledge representation, programming languages, natural language understanding, speech understanding, vision, robotics, machine learning, and planning. Example of planning is GPS that reuired a full and accurate model of the "state of the world".

2008년 4월 5일 토요일

Social Networks

Social Networks

What is the networks? I think network is a relationship.For example, there are social, political, economic relationships and interdisciplinary. I am amazed that "you and me 6 degrees of separation". It means we are associated socia networks.

Social networks exist as science. It's important concept is interdisciplinary. Social networks as technology have email, newsgroups, and weblogs. The prsesnt day, art use network drawing.

2008년 3월 28일 금요일

Tim berners-Lee's world-wide web

Tim berners-Lee is senior research scientist, laboratory for computer science, and director of the world-wide web consortium.

Then, what is the world-wide web(www)? It is a collaboratively authored hypertext. Although man makes homepage himself, this is collaborative, because of it's standard.

The standard that was created by him is uri. html(hypertext markup language) is derived from sgml that is intended to be a means to make explicit the content and structure of a document. http(hypertext transfer protocol) is an internet protocol designed for transferring information for hypertext docoments.

2008년 3월 22일 토요일

Augmenting human intellect

I think Engelbart's achievements after reading his "augmenting human intellect".
He made the thing that was unbelievable at that time.

Common computer's input, output was hollerith cards and paper printouts, and computer- human interaction was batch processing in 1960.
Because of Engelbart, however, computer was personal computer that had mouse, 2D screen, and used hypertext.
The user of computer was prefessional who had technical knowledge of computer, but Engelbart brought the spread of computer user.
In other words, people didn't need technical knowledge about using computer.

2008년 3월 14일 금요일

As We May Think

Communication between individuals has provided a record of ideas and has enabled man to manipulate and to make extracts from that record so that knowledge evolves and endures throughout the life of a race rather than that of an individual. A record if it is to be useful to science, must be continuously extended, it must be stored, and above all it must be consulted. It needs compression, and not only to make and store a record but also be able to consult it, and this aspect of the matter comes later. To make the record, we now push a pencil or tap a typewriter. Then comes the process of digestion and correction, followed by an intricate process of typesetting, printing, and distribution, but the elements are all present if he wishes to have his talk directly produce a typed record. For example, there is World Fair a machine called a Voder.
Much needs to occur, however, between the collection of data and observations, the extraction of parallel material from the existing record, and the final insertion of new material into the general body of the common record. The repetitive processes of thought are not confined however, to matters of arithmetic and statistics. In fact, every time one combines and records facts in accordance with established logical processes. If scientific reasoning were limited to the logical processes of arithmetic, we should not get far in our understanding of the physical world. Whenever logical processes of thought are employed there is an opportunity for the machine. A strange fact in that most logical field, probably positional, a new symbolism must apparently precede the reduction of mathematical transformations to machine processes. The human mind does not work that way. It operates by association. With one item in its grasp, it snaps instantly to the next that is suggested by the association of thoughts.Items are not fully permanent, memory is transitory, but the speed of action is awe-inspiring beyond all else in nature. Man cannot hope fully to duplicate this mental process artificially, but he certainly ought to be able to learn from it. "Memex" will do this. A memex is a device in which an individual stores all his books, records, and communications, and which is mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility. There is, of course, provision for consultation of the record by the usual scheme of indexing. If the user wishes to consult a certain book, he taps its code on the keyboard, and the title page of the book promptly appears before him, projected onto one of his viewing positions. Science may implement the ways in which man produces, stores, and consults the record of the race. Presumably man's spirit should be elevated if he can better review his shady past and analyze more completely and objectively his present problems.